Chapter 13 – The Mafia Nanny (Davina & Gabriel) Novel Free

I wanted to shut his arrogant mouth. So I let go of his dick, and threw my arms around his neck. Grinding my h*ps to his, I s**ked on his t***ue as if I was a giant tick feeding on him. I wanted to cause him some sort of pain, so I bit down on his full lower l*p until I tasted blood. I smiled when it caused his body to jerk.

“So you want to play rough,” he growled. Grabbing the V neck of my swimsuit, he ripped the material apart as though it were paper.

I watched in shock as my red swimsuit turned into two hanging pieces before my eyes. He tugged harshly on the straps around my shoulder and the slight burn of pain against my p**sy deliciously hardened my c**t even further.

He was a rough man, but as he tore what remained of the swimsuit off my body and reached behind to grab my b**tocks underneath the water, I decided that I wanted his brutality. I wanted ferocious f**king from him. He crushed my h*ps to his as he dived at my br***t, s**king a n**ple into his mouth. I writhed my h*ps desperately against him when he took his revenge by biting me back.

Without warning, he lifted me up from the pool, and plopped my bare ass on the tiles. Goose bumps appeared on my skin as he grabbed my knees and jerked my legs apart.

“f**k, Davina,” he rasped, looking at my exposed p**sy. Then he came for my cleft and covered my p**sy with his mouth.

With my palms propping me up, I threw my head backwards, thrashing at the wild assault. “f**k,” I cried, writhing my h*ps to his tune as he ate me up like a maddened, starving man. He nipped brutally at my bud, stroking relentlessly at the tip with his t***ue and then reaching down to greedily lap up the rush of juices spilling out from his assault.

When his t***ue dug into me, I wr*pped my legs around his shoulders and grabbed on his hair for the sake of my sanity. “Gabriel,” I called out, but in the distance, I heard his phone ring. I didn’t want him to leave me so I tightened my legs around him. I couldn’t bear it… not until he got me off. I was so close.

“f**k,” he cursed and began to pull away.

I panicked. “Don’t you dare!” I wailed, and began to ride my p**sy up and down his mouth and face.

With both his hands on my h*ps, he stilled me, his hold as solid as iron. His l*ps curled with amusement. “I need to get that call, little rabbit. It’s urgent. Keep your legs open. I’ll finish you off the moment I’m done.”

f**k you, I wanted to spit out at him, but since a part of my brain was still working and could register his authority over me, I didn’t dare.

He pulled my legs away from his neck, and caressed my mound with careless fi**gers. At my glare, he hoisted himself up, muscles rippling, and water sluicing off him, and crushed my l*ps in a brief k**s. I tasted myself on him, and it fanned the flame of my arousal even further. I had to hold myself back from shouting curses at him as he swam back across the pool to retrieve his phone.

He got to it before it disconnected. I watched as he responded, his deep, whisky smooth voice filtering over to me in the cool air. I could see his firm ass cheeks in the water, and it frustrated me to no end. I couldn’t wait for him. I needed to touch him, to feel his skin on mine, his c**k in my mouth. So, I slid into the water, tearing what remained of the scraps of my suit fully away from me, and headed slowly towards him.

I stopped midway across the pool as a curse rang out from his mouth.

“What?” he snarled. His tone was low and menacing and forced a trickle of fear down my spine. “Did he lose his f**king mind? I’ll be there in twenty minutes. If any of you even move an inch from there before I arrive, you’re dead.”

I froze, unable to move from where I was.

I watched as he pulled himself up from the pool and strode away, naked, proud, and wildly beautiful, but without even a second look back at me. It was almost as though I’d been wiped away from his memory. Suddenly, I felt very cold and painfully naked, so I covered my br***ts with my arms in the water. As I looked on the tears stung my eyes and I wondered how the hell I was going to make it through the house.

A few moments later, I almost sunk completely into the water when Zelda appeared, calling out my name. Never had I felt so much shame. I cowered into a corner, hoping to hide away from her.

She spotted me and came over. She placed a folded robe and towel by the edge of the pool and smiled kindly at me. “Mr. Angelini requested this for you.”

“Thank you,” I said, unable to meet her eyes.

She turned around to leave and I clothed myself in the shame of his callous dismissal.


“He did what?” Charlotte yelled into the phone.

“It’s not a big deal,” I muttered, even though I would have had the same reaction if Charlotte had said the same thing had happened to her. But with Gabriel it was different. We had this crazy thing.

“The hell it isn’t,” her voice rose angrily. “He left you f**king naked in his damn pool without even a word, or even a glance… the uncivilized bastard.”

“I was pissed off too, but the truth is I was the aggressor. I stayed. I wanted him, Charlotte. I still do. And anyway, he doesn’t owe me anything. We’re not dating. It was just what it was…a crude meet, and—”

“You need to do the exact same thing to him… worse even,” she cut in.

I sighed. “Is that really the best solution you could come up with?”

“There’s no other way,” she said. “f**k him halfway to somewhere and then run off before he comes… let him see what that feels like.”

“First of all, are you angry that he didn’t finish me off, or are you pissed that he abandoned me?”

“Both!” she exclaimed.

“Alright,” I replied, amused by her temper. “Well, I’m in a strange place. I feel no shame about what we did. It’s like I’m not in control of my body when I’m around him.”

“So he is allowed to treat you like trash?”

“Charlotte, I told you he had an emergency. Who knows what that phone call was all about? It did seem like a life and death thing. I mean his whole face changed. He almost became a different person.”

“Get out of that house,” she said. “You don’t need that job, find something else. I’ll cover your rent this month.”

“Nope,” I replied. “I’ve made up my mind to stay.”

“What? Why?”

“Two reasons. For Michele. It’s not her fault I can’t keep my hands off her uncle. I promised myself I would do my best to help her. Also I want him, Charlotte. Real bad. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want him. And before you say anything, I’m going in with my eyes open. I know what he is. He’s a cad, but it’s okay, because I don’t want to marry him or get serious. That would scare even me. I just want to have a completely sexual, brief relationship with him. When it’s all over, I’ll dust my feet off and be on my way.”

She was silent for the longest time. “Do you actually believe what you’re saying?”

“Yes, I do. Why shouldn’t I have a torrid affair with him? Trust me, it will be hard to find a woman who says no to him. Anyway, don’t people do this kind of thing all the time?”

“You’re not people. You don’t form emotional attachments easily, but when you do, it’s usually strong enough to mess you up bad.”

“I’m not going to form any attachment—”

“You don’t know that,” she interrupted.

“Charlotte, you can’t wr*p me up in cotton wool to keep me safe. Even if I end up getting hurt, I still want to do this. If I don’t, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Do you understand?” She didn’t say anything so I sighed. “Look, I need to get ready now. Michele has a big day ahead of her.”

“Okay. Okay, I get the message. Go and have your fun.”

We talked shop for a bit then, but just before the conversation ended, I brought up the real reason I was still on edge. “I don’t know what he does for a living.”

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

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