Chapter 122 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

She raised her head calmly and said, “I remember everything I have seen.”

Maxina got up from the sofa and glanced at Cormac, and then her eyes finally fell on her daughter.

Coral saw them both coming in, Cormac with Samuel in his arms and Loredana walking besides him.

Her mouth fell wide open and she looked at Maxina, “This is your daughter?”

Maxina nodded.

Coral seemed to understand everything in an instant, and she found it odd why Maxina didn’t want to talk about the children.

Because her daughter gave birth to her children after a divorce, she must have felt angry that the father of the children left her daughter and must have not wanted to mention it.

In Coral’s mind, Loredana children are Cormac’s.

Coral remembered six years ago; she was pregnant.

Although they got separated in the beginning, they had slept in the same room the first night they got married.

Moreover, her time calculations seemed correct, and the children are five or six years old.

The room downstairs belonged to Cormac. After Loredana left, he still used it but he didn’t spend much time at the villa after it.

“I’ll take him to the room to sleep.” Cormac said.

Loredana hummed in response.

“Lola.” Maxina had a lot to ask Loredana, she couldn’t stop herself from calling her impatiently.

Loredana stood in the hallway, not entering the house, “Let’s go outside and talk.”

“Okay.” After all, this was not their own place and there were other people present.

She changed her shoes at the door and followed Loredana.

The front yard of the villa was covered with a large lawn with green and soft grass. There was a rockery besides the plants, with water rushing through it. Below that was a pool filled with ornamental fish, peculiar looking green fish with long tails; they looked like some rare valuable species.

In the front, there was a round table, four rattan chairs and a parasol.

Loredana pulled up a chair for Maxina.

Maxina sat down.

“What the hell is going on? Why did Dr. Herbert suddenly kidnap us and why are you still with him? You guys are divorced, no longer related to each other, was it because Dr. Herbert found out about this that he became hateful and did all this?”

Maxina asked a series of questions in a breath, expressing her thoughts.

Loredana shook her head, “No.”

She had told Sampson before that she was willing to try and be with him. Later, because of his sister she had made it clear that it was impossible for them to be together. Not only there was no love between them but also because of his mother and sister standing between them.

“Why is that?” Maxina suddenly thought of something, “Did you tell him that his mother asked you about it?”

“No.” Loredana clenched her hands into fists. She didn’t know how to tell Maxina what he did to her.

It was really hard to tell.

“Then why?” How could a person change so much so suddenly? Maxina was confused.

She had been continuously thinking about it on her way to the villa.

But she still couldn’t understand why he became like that.

“Mom, you know that I don’t like him at all.” Loredana fists became tighter and tighter, her palms were wet with sticky with sweat. It was only after reaching this point with Sampson that she was able to tell the truth.

She told Maxina what Sampson tried to do to her.

Maxina stood up from her chair in shock, “What?”

“How can he do such a thing?”

Loredana also hadn’t been able to believe it in the beginning, but after thinking about it carefully she could figure it out.

He liked her and Maria liked Cormac.

If he destroyed her, Maria would still have a chance to be with Cormac.

For his sister’s happiness he was willing to do even such a thing.

Maxina sat down, shocked for a long time, then she said, “It’s true that we can know a person for years but still don’t know what is going on in his heart.”

As the saying went, there really was no knowing what was in someone’s heart.

“And what about you and Cormac?” Maxina asked again after her emotions stabilized a bit. She looked at her daughter, “You don’t like him?”


Her heart was conflicted, she had to admit it. It wasn’t that she didn’t have some feelings for Cormac, it was that she didn’t dare to admit it.

She didn’t want to think about it.

What seemed near was not near, what seemed far was not far. She didn’t want to break open such vague emotions and go to the bottom of whether it was love or not.

It hurt to think so much.

When Maxina asked her, she didn’t know how to answer. Her heart seemed to be filled with all sorts of mixed emotions.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Maxina’s eyes were red, “Perhaps, now that he is treating you well, have you thought about to the future? Can Samuel and Simona accept it? Will you not think about it ever?”

“Mom, I don’t want to think about it right now. By the way, we may have to live here for a while. I am afraid that out residence is not safe.” Loredana deliberately changed the subject.

Maxina was unwilling to let go this topic, “Was it because of him that you wanted to come back from abroad?”

If she hadn’t come back, maybe these things wouldn’t have happened.

Loredana bowed her head and said nothing, clearly silently agreeing with Maxina.

Maxina had wanted to say a few words to her, couldn’t be blinded by the good in front of her.

Instead of saying what was on her mind, Maxina suddenly changed the direction and said, “Your life matters are yours to decide.”

She was an adult now and she had her own mind and ideas.

Too much interference could pressurize her.

Maxina sighed, “If it is for the safety for your children, then we must live here.’

Thinking about what Sampson did, she still had lingering fears.

Loredana knew what she was worried about and said, “Don’t worry, I will protect myself.”

Inside the villa…

Cormac laid the sleeping Samuel in the room downstairs.

Coral stood at the door, watching him.

Since Cormac had come in, she had been following him around, as if she had a lot to say.

“Do you already know it?” Coral asked from the door.

Cormac pulled up Samuel’s quilt, stood up and looked at her, “Know what?”

Coral was anxious, “That they are your children!”

Cormac’s eyes became gloomy as Coral seemed to have stepped on a vein with this topic.

It was something he had deliberately ignored, suddenly she asked about it and he was forced to look at it directly and he was not happy.

Coral frowned. Cormac’s attitude was very strange to her. Was she wrong? She thought.

Why was he looking at her like that?

Coral sighed, ran to bring the photo, walked to the bed and compared it to Samuel’s face, “Look…”

Samuel was injured and his face was swollen, completely different from when she had seen him last time.

She stared.

“Why is he hurt?” Coral felt really distressed. He was so cute and smart when she saw him before.

Cormac didn’t want to discuss this matter with others, “Don’t mention his identity in the future.”


New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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