Chapter 114 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

“It is completely appropriate.” Loredana answered.

She didn’t want to be called something strange.

“Then can I call you Lola?”

At this moment, the black ink pen on the table fell on the ground with a loud clatter.

That pen was Armand’s and he used it to write the details of the case as terry told him.

Armand looked at the pen blankly.

Cormac came over, his steps calm and steady. Passing by Armand, he said lightly, “I’m sorry, I accidentally dropped your pen.”

Armand, “…”

That pen was very precious to him; it was given to him by his last girlfriend.

Cormac took Loredana hand, “We should go now.”

“Where?” Loredana said inexplicably.

“You’ll know when you get there.”

Armand stood stunned for several seconds.

Then he reacted and shouted towards Cormac’s back, “Are you a child? Why would you do such a naïve thing?”

Cormac ignored him completely.


Even he had never called her that! Cormac thought.

Armand mouth twitched.

In the car.

“Are we going to see Mommy?” Simona was sitting in Maxina’s lap, but she kept looking outside the car window, curious about the scenery passing by.

Sampson, who was driving the car, turned around and comforted her, “Yes, Mommy will come there too. I have called her.”

Samuel glanced at Sampson and snorted in his heart at him deceiving the child.

“Really?” Simona was really excited because she wanted to see Mommy.

Simona grinned, showing a row of small white teeth.


Sampson glanced at Samuel who had not talked so far and asked, “Samuel, why aren’t you talking?”

Samuel looked distressed, “I am in a bad mood.”

“You are a child! What is there to ruin your mood?” Maxina said, “Didn’t your mommy give you your smart watch and tablet? What else is there to be happy about? Why are you pulling my clothes?”

Samuel wanted to stop Maxina but she didn’t understand.

“You… stop talking, and let my uncle see me laugh.” Samuel quickly organized his words, but saying the word ‘uncle’ made him nauseous.

That inhumane beast was not worthy of being called his uncle.

“Samuel, show me your watch. I forgot what it looked like.”

Sampson had deliberately overturned his tea cup on Maxina’s phone. Soaked in water, it had turned off. Maxina hadn’t brought it.

He specifically looked at Samuel’s wrist, he also had not brought anything.

He couldn’t permit Samuel to contact Loredana.

Samuel’s eyes flickered, “That… I forgot to bring it.”

Sampson knew that Samuel was smart, and his eyes clearly just showed a little guilt.

What was he guilty of?

Sampson narrowed his eyes. Maxina’s reaction was normal, she didn’t watch out for him, which meant that Loredana didn’t tell her what happened.

Without even telling Maxina, Loredana would have never told the two five-year-old children.

He took out the phone from his pocket and dialed Samuel’s number.

Soon the sound of a ringtone filled the car.

Sampson recognized this sound clearly.

It was from Samuel’s watch.

Samuel tried to reach his pocket in time, but it was already too late.

“Samuel, why did you lie to your uncle? Did you forget, I bought this smart watch for you. I have specially programmed it, so when I or your mommy call you, it would ring even if it is on mute.”

Samuel only remembered it after the watch had already rang.

How did he forget such an important thing?

Samuel hung his head in annoyance, “I… I just didn’t want to show it to you.”

He lowered his head so Sampson couldn’t see his expression.

“I remember that this smart watch also has tracking enabled. At that time, I was afraid that you would lose it.”

“Yeah.” Samuel felt something was off and tried to call Cormac.

Suddenly Sampson parked the car on the side of the road and turned to look at Samuel, “Who do you want to call?”

“I didn’t make any call.” Samuel panicked, dropping his smart watch. The watch fell face up, showing the word ‘Heartless guy’.

This was the nickname that Samuel gave to Cormac.

In his opinion, he abandoned his mother and them. He was a heartless guy.

Even if they were now in a cooperative relationship, it did not mean that he forgave him.

Sampson bent over and picked it up, staring at the name on it and asked, “Who is this?”

Beads of sweat appeared on Samuel’s forehead as he spoke nervously, “My teacher, he likes to take care about me, so I gave him a nickname.”

Sampson knew that he used to study at AC University and had a teacher, so he didn’t doubt him anymore.

“This watch is too old, it’s time to change it.” As he said, he took out the square electric plate form it.

The screen went dark.

“No, I don’t want to change it.” Samuel reached out to grab it but Sampson easily avoided his hand.

Maxina noticed that Sampson’s behavior was very strange, “The watch can still be used.”

Sampson threw the watch in the small river not far away from the road. His car had already reached outside the city.

Maxina asked him why were they so far away from the city.

Sampson said that the place that he had booked was a farmhouse which was outside the city.

Only then did Maxina’s doubts lift.

“After the meal, when I return to the market, I will buy you a new one. This one was too old and many things would have stopped working.”

“It looked pretty good and it ringed just now. It did work.” Maxina vaguely noticed Sampson’s weirdness.

“I’ll buy him another one.” Sampson started the car and drove back towards the highway.

Suddenly, Samuel grabbed the hem of Sampson’s shirt, “I want to go home.”

“We will be there soon, why do you want to go home?” Sampson had no intention to stop.

“I…I…” Samuel’s brain was working very fast. He needed to find a reason. Suddenly he had an idea, he held his stomach and cried, “My stomach hurts, I want to go to the toilet.”

“There is no toilet here, please bear it for a bit.”

“No, I can’t stand it anymore.” Samuel curled up in the back seat, looking very much in pain.

“Dr. Herbert, you should stop for a bit. Samuel is in pain.” Maxina placed Simona on the seat and reached over to hug Samuel, putting a hand on his stomach.

“Did you eat something cold? Is it diarrhea?”

Maxina was heartbroken with worry.

“Maybe…” Samuel trembled with pain, looking extremely painful, “I am about to die of pain, I want to go to the toilet.’

On the other side, Loredana got into Cormac’s car, still thinking his behavior was strange. She asked,

“Where are you taking me?”

“I just received a call from your son in the office…”

Suddenly his phone vibrated and interrupted him. He glanced at the caller ID, saw that it was Abbott and picked it up.

Abbott’s voice came through immediately, “The tracker has suddenly turned off.”

Cormac suddenly felt nervous. How could be this?

Did Sampson find out?

“Where was the last location before it turned off?”

“Near Dingqiao Bridge.”

“Where are you now?”

“I am going there right now.”

Cormac thought calmly for two seconds, and told him to get a few people and go to check that place out.

Dingqiao Bridge was already far away from the city, and that place was relatively remote. He speculated that the place Sampson was going to must be nearby.

“Check if there is a hiding place nearby.”

After hanging up, Loredana asked immediately, “Samuel called you?”

Cormac was originally going to tell her, but now that there was a problem, he was afraid that she was going to get worried. So, he decided to not say anything and just hummed lightly.

“Why does he have your phone number?” Loredana frowned. Samuel hated him so much, why did he contact Cormac?

Was there something that she didn’t know?

She began to feel panicked.

“I gave it to him when we ate together last time. We are no longer enemies; we are friends now. his prejudices against me are gone.” Cormac explained patiently.

Loredana still felt uneasy.



Back in Sampson’s car, Maxina is really anxious, “Stop somewhere quickly, Samuel is not feeling good!”

Sampson took a look at the car GPS. They were not far from where he was going. It was not going to take too much of time to stop here, and he had already destroyed Samuel’s contact tool. Samuel could not contact anyone, so he stopped the car.

He got out of the car, walked over to the back seat and said to Maxina, “I’ll take Samuel, you stay in the car with Simona. This is a remote place, there could be bad people around so be careful.”

“Okay.” Maxina responded.

“Uncle, you pick me up. I can’t walk, my stomach hurts.” Samuel hugged Sampson’s waist, looking weak.

Sampson looked at him, “Does it really hurt?”

“Yes, why would I lie to you?” Samuel settled in is arms, holding him tightly, as if he was very close to him.

Now that he was sick, he looked weak.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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