Chapter 79 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Maxina picked up the kitchen knife again, slicing potatoes one by one. She was silent for a while and said, “I mean, you can go back.”

Loredana was taken aback; Maxina actually agreed.

“But under one condition.”

Loredana sighed; she knew it won’t be that easy.

“Promise me you’ll marry Sampson, and then I’ll agree.” Maxina said her condition.

Compared to Cormac, Maxina was more optimistic about Sampson, who had helped Loredana several times.


“This is not up to negotiation. You want to jump back into the fire, I can’t just push you. You are my daughter; I’m doing this for your own good. What’s wrong with Sampson? He’s handsome, he has the power. Most importantly, he likes you. How many men can wait for six years…” Maxina looked at her daughter seriously, “Is your heart made of stone? Can’t you see how many has he done?”

Indeed, Sampson was excellent. He accompanied her during her most challenging moment, helping her and her family.

All these, she knew it too.

“But I…”

“If he minded about you giving birth before, would he still wait for you?” Maxina also had concerns about Sampson minding Loredana giving birth before, but Sampson changed her mind with his actions.

If he minded, he would’ve not accompanied Loredana for so long.

Loredana was still young, but she couldn’t stay unmarried for the rest of her life. Maxina thinks that

Sampson was the best candidate for her.

Compared to that person who, even though they knew Loredana was pregnant, still insisted on completing the marriage deal, Sampson was miles better!

Loredana lowered her head; what Maxina said had her points.

But what Maxina didn’t know was Sampson’s mother had approached her before.

Loredana was a human, too; she had a heart too. Of course she had some feelings for Sampson once.

After all, he treated her well.

But Loredana wasn’t planning to tell Maxina about this. Maxina was always worried about her future, afraid that she had her kids, hard to find someone who’s suitable.

If she told Maxina that Sampson’s mother approached her before, telling her that she hopes Sampson not to marry Loredana, Maxina would be upset about her future, overthinking her future.

“Mom, marrying someone that I don’t like won’t make me happy either.”

“But he likes you, treats you well, isn’t that all you need? Feelings can be cultivated, as soon as you get married and live together, you’ll meet each other every day. Naturally, feelings will appear.” Maxina was trying hard to persuade Loredana.

Loredana was helpless. She lowered her head and rubbed her forehead, feeling an unprecedented sense of exhaustion.

Maxina didn’t understand Cormac’s coercing.

She was feeling helpless.


Samuel was standing at the kitchen entrance; even though he was a small figure, he stood upright. He had heard everything Loredana and Maxina said; he knew everything about what they said.

“Mommy, we’re from China. Sister and I have never go back to our hometown, now that we can go back, isn’t that a good thing?” Samuel looked at Loredana and Maxina with an innocent look.

“You’re just a kid, what do you know?” Maxina waved her hand, suggesting him to go back to the living room.

“Even though I’m young, I still have my human rights, I can make my decision. I am in favor of mommy going back.” Samuel looked extremely serious, “I was born by mommy, naturally, I’m from China. Of course we’re going back.”

Loredana looked at Maxina; they had never mentioned their father.

Loredana had only said once about Sampson’s research. It was said that their father could be from A

country, but their looks grew like Loredana, making them look like people from China, with no hint of any

A country’s genetic characteristics.

This was one of the things Loredana was happy about – that was her kids had the same skin color as her.

He was not a child with blond hair and blue eyes.

“Samuel.” Loredana called her son.

“Mommy, let’s go back. I want to see mommy’s hometown anyways.” Samuel blinked, looking at her with hopes.

Loredana went over to hug Samuel, tightly hugging him; her emotion was getting somewhat sad, so she didn’t dare talk.

Maxina couldn’t bring herself to talk any heavy words, but her stance was still firm, “You should consider what I said.”

“Grandma, Mommy doesn’t like uncle, why must you let them be together?” Samuel looked like a man-

child, “I think mommy deserves better.”

Maxina snorted; what did he know when he was still young?

“Tell me, what does your mommy deserve?”

Samuel tilted his head, “Not telling you.”

That was because Samuel was still finding.

He asked for his teacher’s advice, and his teacher said, just like his mother’s situation, she needs to find someone more handsome and more prosperous than her ex-husband for her to abandon that person who left her first.

Let him know that abandoning his mommy was his loss!

He had information about Cormac, which he was in China. This was why he had to go back.

As his teacher said, if you know your enemy well, you’ll win.

For that Sampson didn’t meet his requirement; even though he was better than normal people, he was still far from Cormac.

His mommy can never marry someone worse than Cormac.

He must be better than him!

Although the house was not that big, its decoration looked quite warm. There was a rectangular table in the dining room and four family members were sitting at the table.

As Maxina disagreed with Loredana’ request of coming back to China and if she wanted to come back she would have to marry Sampson, the table was shrouded in a depressing ambience.

Only the innocent Simona had no idea about what was going on. She was sitting in Loredana arms, asking her mom to feed her.

“Mommy, I want egg custard.” Simona pointed at the steamed egg custard that was as tender as soft bean-curd with her little finger.

Loredana ladled a spoon of egg custard and fed it into Simona’s mouth.

Samuel sighed whiling gazing at his innocent sister like an adult bothered by bothersome things.

Loredana put a spoon of egg custard into his bowl, “Children are not allowed to furrow their brows.”

“Alas.” Samuel sighed again.

Why did this kid sigh again after being taught that he shouldn’t?

“Samuel Flores, mind your attitude.” Although Loredana was rebuking him, she didn’t say those words seriously as she didn’t want to be tough to him.

“Why do you have the mood to have the meal?” Samuel threw a wet blanket on her.

“If you fail to persuade grandma, what should you do with your work?” Samuel worried about this matter more than Loredana did.

“Children shouldn’t be bothered by adult’s matters. What you’re supposed to do is to have meal regularly and to pay attention to your study.” Maxina ladled a bowl of soup for him, “Eat. You’re not allowed to involve in adult’s matters.”

Samuel discontented with her words, “I’m also a member of the family, so naturally I have my right to speak. Grandma, Mommy, let’s vote by a show of hands. The minority should be subordinate to the majority.”

“Oh, this kid. Who have you learned from? You’re really good at reasoning.” Maxina teased him. This kid was so young, but he had many ideas.

“Vote by a show of hands.” Samuel repeated his words in a resolute tone.

“You want to come back so badly?” Loredana saw through her son’s mind. It seemed that he wanted come back to China so badly.

She once thought that as her children had been accustomed to living here, they would not have the idea of living in the other place. Nevertheless, Samuel’s attitude was quite unexpected to her.

“Mommy’s hometown is also my hometown. I just want to know what your hometown looks like,

Mommy.” Samuel said with a serious look.

Although Loredana wanted to come back to the country, she didn’t do so because of her worries about

Maxina’s feelings.

But Samuel was so smart and he knew deep down that as Loredana respected Maxina so much, if they wanted to come back to the country, they had to obtain Maxina’s agreement.

He put down his spoon, jogged towards Maxina, tugged her sleeve and waggled gently, “Grandma, my dear grandma, please, agree with it.”

But Maxina still disagreed.

Samuel continued to act cutely and begged with his soft tone, “Grandma, grandma, my dear grandma.”

“Grandma, grandma, my dear grandma.” Simona also followed suit.

Samuel and Simona’s tone was so soft, innocent and sweet that Maxina felt her heart melting.

She felt as if she still didn’t agree with the request, she would feel sorry for the two children.

So she said, “Let’s vote by a show of hands.”

Samuel was the first to lift his hand, “Who agrees to coming back to China please raise your hand.”

“Mommy.” Seeing that Loredana remained motionless, Samuel signaled to her. But Loredana only lifted her hand after learning that Maxina was not going to be angry.


“You can’t entice her.” Maxina interrupted Samuel.

Samuel pouted and waggled his lifted hands at his younger sister.

Simona felt it very interesting. As her mother and brother all had raised their hands, she also lifted her hand.

Three to one.

Maxina had lost. But she was not angered at all; instead, she said worriedly, “I didn’t know whether this was a wise decision or not.”

“Grandma, don’t worry. I will protect my mommy.” Samuel patted his chest and made the promise.

Maxina rubbed her grandson’s hair and heaved a deep sigh. What would Samuel know since he was just a child after all?

But his filial piety was really precious, “Your Mommy had risked her life to give birth to you two. And you actually didn’t disappoint her.”

Samuel blinked his eyes. He also had heard from Sampson that his mom had suffered a lot to give birth him and his sister.

“I won’t allow anyone to bully my mother.” Loredana said in a particularly resolute tone as if he had make up his mind on something.

Maxina suddenly realized that she had talked too much about this. Samuel was a child after all. She held him into her arms and put him on her thighs, “Samuel, you’re a man of our family.”

“Of course.” Samuel lifted his chin up and replied proudly.

Having managed to persuade Maxina, the ambience of the meal also became relaxed. Simona, who was nestling in Loredana’ arms, was sleepy and constantly nodded off, so Loredana carried her up. But the little girl seemed to feel that Loredana was about to leave the table and opened her eyes, “I want to eat.”

Loredana was rendered speechless.

This kid was so sleepy, yet she was still thinking of having the meal.

Loredana could only sit back into the chair. Simona took several mouthful of food and fell asleep.

Maxina asked Loredana to take the child to the bedroom and said she would clear away the dishes.

Loredana nodded in agreement. As Simona hadn’t taken a bath yet and if she woke up when being bathed, she would cry, so it was better for Loredana to take care of her by herself.

Probably it was because Simona hadn’t slept during the daytime, she was now in a sound sleep.

Loredana washed her face, hands and feet, but she showed no sign of waking up.

Samuel sighed emotionally, “Mommy, I think Simona was born in the Year of the Pig.”

She was so good at eating and sleeping.

Loredana rolled her eyes at him, “How can you say these? If your sister was born in the Year of the Pig, then tell me when you were born. Don’t forget that you’re twins.”

Samuel sat beside the bed and took out his table PC to play a game called ‘Intelligence Box’, saying, “I was born in the Year of the Snake. The teacher said that the snake is a kind of cold-blooded animal.”

Loredana turned around, only to see her son’s delicate profile. He had curling eyelashes and was now concentrating on the game with his head lowered. Loredana thanked his teacher in mind.

It was just that the things Samuel’s teacher had taught were beyond his age.

Samuel shouldn’t learn those things at such a young age.

“Do you like your teacher?” Loredana asked.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

2 responses to “Chapter 79 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel”

  1. Ruth Uche Avatar

    Please update it

  2. trina / Avatar

    The mother should stay out of her daughter’s 1business,,,,,,,,,,,pretensive Sampson, I didn’t like him from the beginning

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