Chapter 60 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Loredana calmed down and didn’t dare to move. Cormac smiled and was satisfied with Loredana’

obedience. His thumb carefully rubbed over her clothes and pinched her waist.

The call was answered and a man said anxiously over the phone, “Mr. Mendelsohn, Ms. White was in an accident and is now at the hospital for emergency treatment.”

What? Helen had an accident?

Because she was near to him, Loredana also heard what the man said. She turned to look at Cormac and he was also looking at her in surprise, “When did this happen?”

“An hour ago.”

Cormac released Loredana and stood up and took his jacket. He walked a few steps and remembered that Loredana was there. He turned towards her and said, “I need to go over.”

Loredana was looking at him, “Go ahead.”

That was his girlfriend and someone he liked. She was in danger and he should go to her.

He pursed his lips and appeared to want to say something but yet he didn’t say anything. He put on his jacket and continued the call as he walked out.

“Order an air ticket to A Country, the very next flight.”

Loredana looked at his back view disappearing out the door and scoffed bitterly. This was their original arrangement, she was herself, and ‘they’ were ‘them’.

She was the odd one out. They were clearly a loving couple and she came between them.

“Why did Young Master Mendelsohn leave in such a hurry?” Coral asked as she walked in.

It was rare for him to come back early and why didn’t he spend some time to cultivate their relationship? Was he always so busy? Coral couldn’t understand at all and was very upset. Didn’t he have enough money? Wasn’t he concerned about the importance of his marriage?

Loredana pursed her lips and smiled, “Ms. White had an accident and he’s going over to take a look.”

Coral’s expression darkened. They just had a few days of peace. What stunt did that woman pull?

“She should look for the doctor since she had an accident. Young Master Mendelsohn isn’t a doctor. Can he treat her?” Coral did not hide her unhappiness with what had happened.

Loredana walked over to remove a leaf on Coral’s shoulder and calmly looked at the workers trimming the hedges nearby, “Coral, haven’t you noticed that I’m the odd one out? They are truly in love.”

What? Young Master Mendelsohn was in love with his mistress?

Coral was slightly upset with Loredana for not fighting for what was hers. Why did Loredana say that her husband was in love with another woman? Was something wrong with Loredana?

“You are the one selected by Mrs. Mendelsohn to be Young Master’s wife. You are the one selected by his parents. Who is Helen?” Coral glared sternly at Loredana, “You allowed him to go when he wanted to?

Why can’t you stand up for yourself?”

Loredana laughed bitterly inside her but she reached out to the adorable old lady. Loredana knew that she said these for her and wanted things to be well for her and Cormac. But Loredana wasn’t sure what was going on between Cormac and her.

“Coral, you are so nice to me. What if I can’t bear to leave?”

Coral was startled and looked at Loredana, “Where are you going?”

As per tradition, when a woman was married to a man, she became part of the family regardless of what happened. Since she was married to Cormac, then she belonged to the Mendelsohn family. Where did she intend to go?

In Coral’s eyes, Mrs. Mendelsohn had chosen this daughter-in-law and she was Cormac’s legal wife. She will not accept any of Cormac’s other women.

In about ten days, she would be married to Cormac for a month. She would then leave when that time comes.

Loredana held onto Coral, “I want to go outside for a walk.”

“Okay, I’ll accompany you.” Coral was very familiar with the surroundings and they could have a good chat during the walk.

Loredana went back to her room immediately after dinner. She tossed and turned on her bed and only fell asleep after she became very tired.

A Country.

A colleague, Bryan Eastwood, who came with Helen to A Country was waiting for Cormac at the exit of the Airport. He rushed over to Cormac as soon as he saw him.

“Mr. Mendelsohn.”

“How is she now?” Cormac asked as they walked.

“Her condition has stabilized and is out of danger. She is now at the patient room but…” Bryan paused as he said and didn’t know how to continue.

Cormac said coldly, “Out with it.”

Bryan looked at Cormac and then lowered his eyes, “Ms. White had a miscarriage…”

Cormac stopped walking and his eyes narrowed, “What did you say?”

His large presence was overbearing, causing a person’s breathing to feel stifled.

Bryan swallowed his saliva, “Ms. … Ms. White had a miscarriage due to the accident. The doctor said that she was almost three months pregnant.

It was as if Cormac was struck by lightning. He clenched his fists in fury but he didn’t know why he was furious. He walked very quickly and Bryan had to break into a trod just to keep up.

When they were in the car, Bryan quietly drove. He didn’t even dare to breathe audibly for fear of angering the man seated behind. They reached the hospital very quickly.

Bryan stopped the car and ran around the car to open the door but it was opened by Cormac. He quickly moved aside. As Cormac got out of the car, he looked at his wristwatch for the time. It was daytime over there while it was at night back home.

He lowered his hand and looked at Bryan and said, “Lead the way.”

Bryan led Cormac to Helen’s room, “Ms. White is inside.”

Cormac paused outside the door for a couple of seconds and then pushed the door to enter.

The room had the faint smell of disinfectant and Helen looked weak as she laid on the bed. When she saw Cormac, she tried to sit up, “Cormac, why… why are you here?”

Cormac walked over quickly to prop her up, “Don’t move since you’re injured.”

Helen leaned into his embrace, “How do you know that I’m hurt?”

Bryan was scratching his head at the door and Helen understood and pointed to Bryan, “You told


“When the doctor said that your life was in danger, I took the initiative to inform Mr. Mendelsohn…”

“Mind your own business!” Helen threw the pillow at him in anger.

“Bryan, leave us.” Cormac hugged the agitated Helen and stroked her back, “Why did you keep it from me?” Cormac was very conflicted.

Helen lowered her head and tears started to flow, “How could I say? I was already two months pregnant when I found out and you were already married to Ms. Flores at that time. I thought about giving you a surprise after you terminate your relationship with Ms. Flores but then…”

Helen wailed bitterly as she said and hugged tightly to Cormac, “Cormac, we lost our child.”

She cried bitterly, “Cormac, I’m so sorry that I didn’t protect our child…”

Cormac frowned and was terribly conflicted.

He felt emotional that he had a child. Every man yearned to be a father. This woman had his child and yet he sent her here. If he didn’t send her here, she wouldn’t have that accident and his child wouldn’t be lost.

He closed his eyes and said, “This is not your fault.”

It was his mistake. He had also lost his mind to want to seek a closer relationship with Loredana… 

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

47 responses to “Chapter 60 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel”

  1. Ruth Uche Avatar

    Please update more please update and l can not wait

  2. Diana Avatar

    As expected …🥴 It’s turn into never ending mess

  3. Erda Avatar

    I already told that Helen and Sampson will make situation worst and now they just did it. I hate to see this ☹️

  4. Janet Avatar

    Author what’s your plan? Huh? You just want to drag the story like this, it is good if only Cormus has more sharp mind and not fool himself like this in front of every women.
    Hate bastard Sampson and Helen.

  5. Catherine Avatar

    Cormus is so stupid and he is easily gullible by women 🥴☹️ truly annoying now same as Lola how could she put her trust on bastard Sampson. She is so stupid to tell Sampson about her suspect. What was she thinking ? A molester like Sampson will truly help her to find the real person. I am disappointed by both Cormus and Lola.

  6. Figha Avatar

    Highly disappointed

  7. Lino Avatar

    Bastard Sampson and bitch Helen 😡😡😡 I really want to kill them.
    It’s not ending . right?

  8. Goni Avatar

    Please I beg 🙏
    Make it short please

  9. Charlotte Avatar

    I am so angry now 😡
    Why did not Cormus suspect Helen ??? How could he be that stupid that a woman make him fool and play with him like that. He just trust every word come from Helen mouth ☹️🥴 I am so disappointed and also what about Lola, is she stupid too ? she trust Sampson for her secret. She is really naive and fully stupid girl.

    Now it’s look like never ending Sega and surely they will get divorce in 10 days, now no hope for their bond mending and short full story left. It’s also a one of the novel which never want to end.

  10. Bathy Avatar

    I am upset now ☹️
    Evils win and Good souls suffer 😭

  11. Nimo Avatar

    Cormus easily manipulated by Helen 🥴 how childish and annoying 😡 Cormus is a powerful businessman but still he is so fool to allow Helen play with him easily. It’s really disappointing, will he ever know the truth or even suspect Helen ever.

  12. Erin Avatar

    Disappointed 😒

  13. Tisha Avatar

    It’s took you too long to update everytime.

  14. Vino Avatar

    Not happy , they both are so dumb and sometime naive.

  15. Oly Avatar

    Helen miscarriage drama gets success and Cormus lost his mind already and again being puppet by Helen’s hand . He blamed himself and now no way he will not marry her and as for Lola stupidity, Sampson bastard already block her ways to Cormus . Both the bad people are getting success and both successfully destroy Lola-Cormus hope to be together.
    Don’t say it will never end and we just read hundreds of chapters and just circle on the same plot gain and again.

  16. Raven Avatar

    Cormus 🤷
    They both are stupid

  17. Jasmine Avatar

    Wow Helen is so strong and cunning that a man like Cormus easily manipulated by her. He is a powerful business tycoon and yet he is that 🥴 even not bother to investigate the matter by secretly about that night and also just trust that she was pregnant and now miscarriage. Wow that truly annoying and taking my nerve 😳😡☹️
    Not interested

  18. Sibha Avatar

    Not interested anymore

  19. Hira Avatar

    This story is same as predicted before and again the same plot repeated in every novel now….

  20. Suzan Avatar

    I think Abbot was also involve in Helen drama and now her drama will effect Cormus mind and feel with guilt and child desire.

  21. Mandy Avatar

    Bastard Sampson, I want him punish so badly . He is such a bastard and Helen too

  22. Zarine Avatar

    It’s look like never ending drama and it will not end soon and we just hang between dragging situation. I don’t want it.
    I want to enjoy short and unique story but in this website it’s hardly get any novel which has completed.
    I like stranger to soulmate because that story is short, beautiful, and unique. I wish the same for Thai novel if it’s really completed soon.

  23. Handy Avatar

    Please update soon, it’s take 3-5 days for just 10 chapters 🥴

  24. Phoenix Avatar

    Good read. Really enjoying this novel. Please update soon. And author, you are really good. Hats off to your writing. I appreciate your hard work.

  25. Mihaela Palade Avatar
    Mihaela Palade

    Abea aștept continuarea!

  26. Bitz Avatar

    I don’t like this developing drama from Helen,, please use this opportunity to let Cormac find out the truth.

    1. Diana Avatar

      Exactly ! He need to find out the truth of that night and the truth of Lola identity too. And this is the right time. After 10 days they will be divorce and then no use for truth left. These same things are obvious in every novels again and again ; first they divorce then find out the truth then girl run away suddenly with child and then 5 year gaps, chil. Look like his father and another country then they suddenly met again and then same ……same …… Story never ending pursuing …🙄☹️🤷 Not want to read that kind of long dragging old concept story anymore.

  27. Siphathisiwe Sibanda Avatar

    Plz send more chapters 😪

  28. Mani Avatar

    Helen drama and Cormus way of pampering her is so annoying at least he need to investigate her pregnancy matter first. And their too much close physical intimacy 🤮🤮 make me sick all the time . Please stop this thing Author.
    I only like and desire to see Cormus and Lola intimacy.

  29. Vincy Avatar

    Please end this novel soon so I can be happy to enjoy it fully. Don’t drag it so long and don’t make it worst either.
    Give Cormus some mind so he can evaluate Helen lies and please give Lola some sense so she will not fool by Sampson anymore.
    Waiting for good ending and short unique story.

  30. Elvein Avatar

    Now again Helen and Sampson win and Cormus and Lola fooled themselves by trusting these snakes.
    Please make sure it will end soon and on good node.

  31. Jini Avatar

    Update soon

  32. Wolki Avatar

    Wait for climax of the story . I just hope Cormus would use his mind and understand Helen true motives and truth behind that night. Same goes to Lola she need to aware about Sampson dishonestly and betrayal related to Cormus matter.

  33. Cheryl Avatar

    Terrible please expose Helen and Sampson soon.

  34. McHivir Avatar

    This is just so wrong!
    But the truth can not be hidden.
    They will both be found out.

  35. Marie Smith Avatar
    Marie Smith

    So disappointed ☹️ that Helen keeps lying and no one seems to see her for the snake that she is and what is up with Sampson.

    1. Maryam Avatar

      I’m really disappointed with Sampson 😠

  36. It'z mammie frosh Avatar
    It’z mammie frosh

    More pls helen is a bitch

  37. It'z mammie frosh Avatar
    It’z mammie frosh

    More pls helen is a bitch thank you

  38. shim Avatar

    Girls like Helen is a thorn for everyone I hate her to death. Next chapters pliz.

  39. Maryam Avatar

    Interesting story, but don’t drag it on for too long 👍🏽

  40. Bitz Avatar

    No updates yet 😪

  41. Ems Avatar

    I don’t trust Helen at all. She must have plotted her accident and miscarriage to win Cormac’s love
    I still think truth will come out and Helen expose . Loredana will fall in love. Thank you for lovely book

  42. Ruthy Avatar

    More updates please

  43. Janet Avatar

    Is this story ever updated??? It’s almost whole week now 🙄 it’s so annoying.

  44. Kamwee Avatar

    So long guys. What is happening

  45. Bee Avatar

    Notwithstanding that I’m aware that an author needs time to craft compelling work – I am really awaiting the next drop of chapters very soon – would be good to know waiting time for various novels so that one doesn’t have to be checking all the time.

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