Chapter 40 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Garrett peeked at Beulah and Annabelle as he warned them in a low tone. “This is a very important ordeal for me. Don’t do anything that could ruin this meeting!”

Beulah suppressed the anger in her heart as she straightened his suit. “You have nothing to worry about. We’ll never talk back or retaliate, even if she comes at us with fury. As long as she lends you a hand in the company’s matters, I can still do all of this for you considering I can be of no help to you in the company. So, she can vent her anger all she’d like.”

Garrett felt Beulah didn’t waste any of his sentiments toward her in the past. “When the crisis in the company has been resolved, I’ll compensate you nicely.”

Once Beulah gave her nod of approval, Garrett went to the door, wanting to welcome Loredana and Cormac personally.

Loredana was standing next to Cormac, holding the contract regarding the piece of land in Repulse Bay.

Cormac stole a glance at her and held out his arm. “Take my arm.”

Loredana followed suit and together they entered the villa.

“Please, please, come in. I’m so honored you could join us for dinner this evening.” Garrett welcomed them with open arms.

He didn’t act like his usual arrogant and entitled self at all. Instead, he was gracious and flattering.

Cormac never had any good feelings toward Garrett, so he just nodded slightly while keeping his mouth shut and maintaining his indifference.

Garrett froze slightly when he realized that Cormac wasn’t going to banter with him and ease the tension in the air. He hoped Cormac would have a different attitude, seeing that Garrett was

Loredana’ father and his father-in-law.

He realized he was rapidly losing face and had to do something about it.

Loredana simply laughed. “He’s always like this.”

Garrett managed to brighten his expression as he invited them inside. “Come in now.”

Beulah was playing the role of a decent wife and mother. They saw her arranging the cutlery on the table. At the sight of her guests, she flashed an insincere smile. “You’re finally here. Come sit down.

Lola, you would never have thought that your dad asked me to prepare a scrumptious meal after he learned you were coming for dinner today. I hope you find the food to be enjoyable.”

Loredana looked at her with a smile on her face. They were just putting on an act at that moment.

“I’m not an outsider, you don’t have to stand on ceremony.”

As she replied, she tightened her grip on Cormac’s arm. She was only doing it for show.

Beulah studied Loredana’ appearance as she tried hard to suppress the resentment in her heart. She continued with her fake facade.

“You’re indeed right.”

Loredana settled into her seat, still holding on to Cormac’s arm. Beulah and Annabelle sat opposite them.

Annabelle had put on a red dress and delicate make-up. Despite being so young, she had a mature and flirtatious look at the moment. Loredana sneaked a scornful glance at Annabelle and snickered coldly to herself. Was Annabelle trying to seduce Cormac?

As she looked into Annabelle’s fixed expression, she joked. “Sister, why are you staring at your brother-

in-law like that? Is there something on his face?”

Cormac’s eyes twitched slightly as he pondered Loredana’ intentions.

He was uninterested in looking at such a heavily made-up face and, although both of them were wearing a red dress, Loredana, who had light make-up, looked infinitely better than her sister. She was a sight to behold around the dining table.

Annabelle immediately lowered her head. Beulah was holding Annabelle’s hands under the table. She was trying to calm Annabelle down.

“Alright, it’s nowhere near lunch anymore; you guys are probably ravenous.”

Garrett was finding the chance to start a conversation with Cormac, but he couldn’t settle on a suitable topic. From the moment Cormac set foot in the villa, he looked like he was trying not to have anything to do with any of the Flores family.

From time to time, he would pick up some food and place it on Loredana’ plate in a show of affection.

Garrett watched their interactions silently. He didn’t expect his daughter, who never garnered his attention, was the apple of Cormac Mendelsohn’s eyes. He couldn’t help but change his mind about


Loredana never intended to only have dinner with her family.

She placed the contract on the table and raised her voice. “This is what you always wanted. Since I’ve brought this here, you didn’t forget about your promise, did you?”

Since it wasn’t easy for her to gain Cormac’s support in the matter, she had to cherish the opportunity and get back what belonged to her and her mother.

The smile on Garrett’s face slowly faded. “We’re still family in the end. Just tell me straight if you have any favor to ask from me.”

His priority was to resolve the crisis in his company. He wouldn’t have much use for the piece of land at the moment.

He was hinting at Loredana hard by blinking several times to start the topic in front of Cormac, but

Loredana pretended not to understand him as she asked with concern, “Is there something wrong with your eyes?”

If Cormac hadn’t been there, Garrett would have jumped up in fury. Cormac glanced at Loredana one more time and realized she was feigning ignorance, although she knew what she had to do. It made her look smart… No, it actually made her look adorable.

Beulah interrupted them in an attempt to clear things up.

She spoke up while scooping some food onto Loredana’ plate. “Lola, your dad’s company has some problems right now…” As she began, she focused her gaze on Cormac, “Cormac is our son-in-law and we need your help this time. If I have offended you in the past, I hope you can let it go for now.”

Loredana’ face darkened at the mention of Cormac as their son-in-law. They really knew how to garner all the prestige for themselves.

“Were you only involved in giving me life, or did you raise me too?” Loredana asked, inching toward

Cormac as she looked at him. “Since when did my husband suddenly become your son-in-law?”

Beulah curled her hand into fists underneath the table, but she could still maintain her smile. “I know you’re still mad about me and your dad, but we really do love each other—”

“I’m coming here today to get back what rightfully belongs to me!” Loredana didn’t give Beulah a chance to finish her sentence.

Did Beulah just say that they were in love? Loredana wanted to see for herself what choice Garrett would make when he was presented with benefits and love.

Garrett noticed the atmosphere turned sour and there was no way to carry out a proper conversation anymore.

He stood up and turned to Loredana. “Let’s continue this conversation in the other room.”

Loredana got up and glanced at Cormac. “I’ll be back in a little bit.”

Cormac mumbled a faint response. Loredana followed Garrett into his study.

As soon as they were alone, Garrett changed his expression into one of cruelty immediately. “Have you told Cormac about my problem?”

Loredana just stared at Garrett without any emotion on her face. It seemed she had gotten used to getting hurt, so she couldn’t be stirred by anything anymore.

“Give me back what belongs to me first.” It was a rare opportunity for her.

She had to get back her stuff first.

Garrett glared at her and replied. “I’ll return them to you, but you have to make sure Cormac will help my company through this crisis.”

“Our deal last time only encompassed the piece of land and my things. The matter about your company is completely unrelated. I’ve mentioned this before. If you want me to convince Cormac to help you, divorce Beulah. If you do that, only then will I help you.” Loredana paused before continuing. “You can see for yourself Cormac loves me very much. He would immediately agree to help you if I’m the one who brings it up.”

Garrett sank into a deep silence upon hearing that.

Loredana continued. “You have to consider which is more important to you: your company or your wife who can’t even give you a son.”

Loredana turned around and was about to leave the study.

At the last second, Garrett blurted out. “I agree to your terms.”

Loredana smiled to herself. Just as she expected…

Loredana stopped in her tracks and turned around to gaze at him. “I want my things back today.”

She didn’t want it to drag on, fearing things would take a turn for the worse. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t retrieve everything at the moment, but she could still collect things such as money for now. Her mother’s medical bills were going to be due soon.

Garrett gnashed his teeth, “Lola, remember we are still a family.”

Loredana smiled in response. “I know, but what belongs to me and my mother always belonged to us.

Shouldn’t you return them to no matter what?”

They were a family? He finally remembered they were a family only when it suited him.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

31 responses to “Chapter 40 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel”

  1. Tetibutyl Avatar

    Good read so far 😁

    1. Mary Brown Avatar
      Mary Brown

      What an interesting novel. Can’t wait to read more chapters

  2. Catherine Avatar

    I think this bastard Sampson is the biggest villain of the story. I love Lola and Cormac but they are very distant and also very intimated with other partners like Helen and Sampson.
    I hope it will complete soon.

  3. Janet Avatar

    Sampson is two face snake, first he said he is like a brother to her and now he has feeling for her to declared after her divorce. He is real bastard just want to create misunderstanding intentionally between Cormac mind.

  4. Wicky Avatar

    I like it but please again I say make it short and complete it soon. Don’t drag it too long.

  5. Sindy Avatar

    I just want to say why did Cormac allow Helen to be that close in physically ? And why did Loredana allow Sampson so close , it’s clear that Sampson try to get Lola by pretent to be his brother. He is worst 😡
    Just don’t drag it so long, make this novel short and beautiful.

  6. Samantha Avatar

    Please update it soon, don’t make it’s same as they will divorce and then Cormac would know about Helen truth and then Sampson double face snake will already snatch Lola from Cormac. Sampson intention is not good he was just act to be her brother but have feelings for her and that’s annoying. No one is trusted now.

  7. Fanki Avatar

    Please create beautiful novel without unnecessary dragging. I hope it will complete soon, so I can enjoy full picture without delay.
    Love this novel no doubt, thanks Author please make it short.
    Love Cormac and Loredana but hate Sampson and Helen .

  8. Gabriya Avatar

    I hope Cormac is sharp enough because Anabella and her mother intention are not good toward him . Possibly want to framed him on bed with Anabella and that’s her mother plan for Anabella to get her Cormac. I believe Cormac will be alert and sharp to dodge their move and not fall on their traps.

  9. Tivari Avatar

    Lola need to be careful from bastard Sampson, he is just playing to be her brother but his intention is to get her. And he deliberately create misunderstanding on Cormac mind again and again. I hate him.

  10. Si Avatar

    Next please

  11. shim Avatar

    interesting waiting for more updates.

  12. Ginger Avatar

    Love the story

  13. Mini Avatar

    Please don’t repeat the same old story as Cormac would divorce then find out truth and Helen will act as pregnant and he will force to take care of her and take her responsibility and then Sampson also get his chance in disguise of elder brother 🥴🥴🥴
    The story is so far so good but it’s need to be short and unique. Beautifully enchanting between Cormac and Loredana .

  14. Estella Avatar

    It’s good but too much Helen and Cormac closeness and physical intimacy and also same for Sampson and Loredana. Was Sampson not say that he want to be her elder brother ? Then why does he want her now in different ways ?? Now he has feelings for her. He is nothing just a disgust bastard who take advantage in the name of brother veil. He is the one who continuously push Cormac to think that Loredana is not good girl and have affair with him and her child father is Sampson. This is all his doing. Nonsense bastard.

  15. Pubye Avatar

    Update faster please.
    Make it short and unique.

  16. Lolita Avatar

    Nest please

  17. Cheryl Boatswain Avatar
    Cheryl Boatswain

    I love this novel and things are moving very quickly. Please expose Helen fast

  18. Salma Avatar

    Nice one so far….

  19. Phoenix Avatar

    Nice updates. Looking ahead for more 🙂


    interesting story line, was enjoying it

  21. Bee Avatar

    Interesting await how story develops

  22. Daniel Precious Avatar
    Daniel Precious

    Very nice story author pls update the chapters soon

  23. Tutana Avatar

    real life stories like this are more interesting…please upload next chapter as cant wait to the father’s promise to her first daughter. thanks for writing and looking forward to next chapters.

  24. Mchivir Avatar

    …only one comment ppl?
    Good read though…similar to Weylan and Lelanie’s story though.
    Enjoyed it still.
    More chapters pls.

  25. Dia Avatar

    Update soon please

  26. Cheryl Avatar

    please update

  27. Mihaela Palade Avatar
    Mihaela Palade

    Am început toate romanele și nici unul nu este actualizat…..îmi plac toate…dar așteptarea ma frustrează!

  28. Ajilumo tomisin Avatar
    Ajilumo tomisin

    I love this story line writer but expose them quick and let live prevail

  29. Dolly Avatar

    Update please

  30. Jasica Avatar

    Waiting for updates

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