Chapter 19 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

He took out his cell phone and called Maxina, telling her that Loredana was in the hospital, and asked her to come over.

When Maxina heard this, she said in a panic, “What’s wrong with Lola?”

“She is okay. She just needs to rest more. She wants to see you.”

Hearing that, Maxina took a relief. Then she went to the hospital as fast as possible.

Once Maxina arrived, Loredana asked Sampson to go home.

“Yes, I’m sorry for causing you trouble.” Maxina apologized sincerely.

“It’s okay. I will go back now and I will see you tomorrow.” Sampson looked at her, “Take a good rest.”

“Thank you.” As soon as Sampson left, Maxina sat on the bedside and covered Loredana with a quilt.

“Do you want to eat something?”

Loredana shook her head, and she looked unwell.

Looking at Loredana, Maxina felt so sad. “You could have a very good future. But you lose your study because of me. And now…”

Thinking of the child in Loredana’ belly, Maxina felt so sad that her heart even ached, “You said you got pregnant in A Country. What if it is a child with yellow hair and blue eyes?”

Maxina worried that the guy Loredana slept with that night was a local.

“No matter how he looks like, he is still my baby, your grandson.” Loredana didn’t want to think about that night, after all, it was not a good night for her.

“A Country?” Cormac came to the hospital to visit Loredana. He wanted to knock on the door, but then he saw Maxina was talking to Loredana inside, so he changed his mind.

“Well, it doesn’t matter how he looks like, he is still my grandson.” Maxina didn’t continue. As long as

Loredana was happy, Maxina was willing to follow her wish and take care of her.

Maxina couldn’t help thinking that maybe she and the baby were meant to be family. After all, Loredana got pregnant after only one night of being with that guy.

Maxina touched Loredana’ forehead and couldn’t help but feel sad, “My Lola, you get to suffer because of me.”

“She kept the baby?” Cormac felt that Loredana was like a mystery.

At the hospital that day, he saw her entered the operating room.

Seeing Loredana and Maxina were talking, Cormac didn’t want to bother them. He turned and walked away.

When he walked to the entrance of the hospital, the cell phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and saw Abbott’s name on the screen. He picked it up.

“I checked what you asked for.”

Cormac nodded slightly. His jaw was inexplicably tight at this moment, which showed how nervous he was. Then he said in a low voice, “Spit out.”

“Eight years ago, Garrett and Maxina got divorced. Then Garrett immediately sent Maxina and their daughter Loredana to A Country. They have never been back in the past eight years. Garrett took them back not long ago.”

Cormac frowned. He was wondering, was this the reason why she could speak A country language?

Because she lived there for eight years?

“That’s it?” Cormac wanted more information.

Abbott hesitated for a few seconds and then continued, “After Maxina was sent to A country, she gave birth to a boy with autism. That boy lived difficult life, and died in a car accident before Maxina and

Loredana returned.”

Cormac frowned. His expression got more serious. He couldn’t help guess, the reason Loredana became so sad was because of her brother? Then what happened with the child in her belly now?

Cormac asked, “That’s it? No man has ever been close to her?”

“No…only a psychologist was close to her.” Abbott carefully checked the information sent from the investigator from A Country.

Abbott continued, “That’s it. She didn’t date anyone at school, and no other men were close to her.”

Cormac was thinking, in other words, the child’s father might be the psychologist. And the reason

Garrett took her back was only because of their marriage? The reason she cared a lot about money was that she lived a hard life in A Country, which was also why she charged money for translating

Thinking about it in this way, Cormac felt that finally, he understood Loredana more. At the same time, he finally understood what Sampson meant.

Cormac felt complicated. He looked back, then got in the car and left the hospital.

In the hospital, Loredana got hungry because she didn’t eat lunch.

“Mom, I want to eat rice sweets.” Loredana suddenly wanted to eat sweets.

Maxina had been through the same thing. She knew that when a woman was pregnant, she would always prefer certain flavors of food.

As the old saying goes, a woman who prefers the sour taste usually carries a boy, and a woman who prefers the spicy taste usually carries a girl. Maxina wondered was there a boy or a girl Loredana was carrying now.

“I’ll go back and cook it for you.” Maxina got up, at the same time, fearing that no one would take care of Loredana in the hospital.

Loredana understood what Maxina was thinking. She smiled, “I’m fine. Don’t worry. The doctor said I just need to take a rest.” If it wasn’t for worrying about the baby in her belly, she didn’t even need to be hospitalized at all.

Maxina nodded and told her to rest before leaving the ward.

When Maxina got out of the car and walked into the community, she was suddenly stopped by a few women. They all lived in this community. Although it hasn’t been a long time since Maxina moved in, there was never a contradiction between her and others.

Maxina got confused. She frowned and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Is your daughter pregnant before she is married? Isn’t she carrying a bastard?” The first person talking was a chubby middle-aged woman who lived next door to Maxina’s.

“Your daughter looked like a good girl. Unexpectedly, she is a bitch. You told me last time that your daughter is only 18 years old now, right?” The fat woman put her hands on her waist and shouted.

Maxina’s expression was so angry and annoyed. Her voice trembled, “You, you are talking nonsense.

Who told you that?”

“Do you dare to say that your daughter is not pregnant at all?”

Maxina’s hands trembled. She couldn’t dare to say anything back. Because her daughter indeed was pregnant.

“Shameless bitch!”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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